Within the extensive GREMCO product range, the production of our registered Fitco® products such as heat-shrinkable tubing, protective tubing, and braided tubing for the automotive industry occupies a particularly prominent place. Accordingly, GREMCO is the specialist in the automotive sector. In general, our Fitcotube® heat-shrink tubing is widely used in the automotive industry and by all well-known OEM’s in numerous high-quality applications depending on their requirements.
The range of different products extends from heat-shrinkable tubing for insulating splices, electrical cables and protecting them from external influences to fabric tubing that primarily prevents abrasion, bundles electrical cables, or can withstand extraordinary mechanical stress. Significant differentiation in the selection of heat shrink tubing is based on whether it is used in dry areas (indoor) or wet areas (outdoor).
The dry area, as the name suggests, is characterized by its location in the interior or in closed or encapsulated units in the vehicle, while the wet area is characterized by the effects of external influences such as moisture. In the dry area, thin-walled products are primarily used in accordance with the lower protection requirements for shrink tubing. A particularly common example of this is our Fitcotube® FT555, which is used in lighting systems, among other things. Thanks to its specific outgassing behavior according to VW 50180 and VW 50181, the tube, which was explicitly designed for this application, prevents the clouding of headlights.
In contrast, double-walled, adhesive-coated products are mainly used in the wet outdoor area of the automobile. Thanks to our various articles that meet different standards, we are excellently represented in these areas and offer products optimized for any requirement profile. Here, the use of wire and cable wear in wet areas is particularly noteworthy. Our Fitcotube® FT-WB (Waterblock) is preferably used for these applications. This is a shrink tube with a large amount of adhesive to ensure waterproof insulation of the splices against corrosion.
As a further relevant application for our products in the automotive industry, media carrying systems are to be mentioned. In these air-fluid systems, our heat-shrinkable tubing and fabric hoses are used to improve abrasion protection. In the case of flexible systems based on elastomer materials, such as coolant lines, fabric hoses are preferred in order to maintain flexibility. For mainly rigid systems based on plastics, such as crankcase ventilation, shrink tubes are mainly used.
A further area of application for media carrying systems is thermal insulation, protection against radiant heat, and flame protection. For these applications, our glass fiber-based fabric sleeves are used. These same glass fiber hoses are available with different coatings, also with aluminum lamination, up to a continuous operating temperature of 650°C with peaks up to 1100°C.
In summary, we are experts regarding:
Our products can convince by means of individually adapted exceptional properties such as high thermal resistance, exceptional chemical resistance, waterproofness, and abrasion protection. Enclosed, our product overview is linked so that you can convince yourself of our articles and their quality.
We would be pleased to advise you on our product range and the possible applications of the Fitcoflex woven hose polyethylene. Please contact us!
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